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010809 ! ♥
This winter is lasting forever, at least for tonight.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

*Twin Twin*
He staying at hotel school de dun knw for wad nor .
See tis ? Happy ? Touching ? :D Lol !
He is busy everyday .
School days is training !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kks , nvm end here ! ~~~ ;D

是我把爱想得太简单 .
Monday, January 18, 2010

I am back to post ! :D
Thx to him drag time say wanted help me post too in the end i back here again .
Nvm . :)
Fri back from camp , sat got training after tat he meet me .
Sun afternoon he got match went tgt .
Today thing dun say le . :)
End here , byes ! ~~~ :D

Monday, January 11, 2010

I am back help pig to post ! ;D
Tis few days keep quarrel . K sry i dun blame u .
Over is over i will take it , dun wan u to be middle of us .
Hmms... he now at school studying ! Unlike me ! :D Bi dun jealous k . Lmao . ;)
Later going to school find him . :)
Tml till fri going to camp .
So wont be posting uhs .
K end here bye all ! ;D

Sunday, January 10, 2010

YesterDay Mood was So-So...
Sleep at 5am wake up at 2plus maple to lvl up.
Just nice ben call me ask me wan to go play basketball ma.
so wash up and find him. Saw Ah ping Zhi Qian zhi shen and BEn LO!
Play 5v5 Sweat alot like swimming pool it good when u are playing and u will not be thinking about anything so for me is a good thing!!!
six plus slack with them.than ask ben pei me go buy dinner lo.
LateR meet her and zi hui. so any1 bored sms me i will be toning and 2moro meeting ben at 7.30am going to hougang mall To Gelyang LO.think is a busy day will be happy=D
so nothing to post le.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Sorry For not Posting this few day cause mood really totally Spoil.
So no mood to Post!
Today 1st lesson is Sc.
Qutie Slacking Le.
2nd Lesson is P.E till recess.
2day the 1st time playing with ClassMate Did Not fight sia.
quite enjoy Today p.e It help to vent anger and to give out Stress de=D
After recess is math i dunoe wat teacher talking.
at math lesson was super Hyper in class disturb edward and Ck in class LOL!!!
After School Went To smoke with Lavin dan Went to hougang green buy food.
And back home to sleep.
Think today play maple till very late le ba.cause tomorrow not going out so can sleep and sleep without any worries ba.
i Will not post So often cause I Depend on mood or see i lazy or got time to post ma!!!
NO MOOD le SPoiL!!!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sorry for not posting this few day Busy.
Time Check 1.10am i still cannot sleep sia.
Later Going to eat Supper with friend dan head to Town wif them they send me home around 4plus. Maple Just now at night kill time.
i cannot sleep sia think later reach home confirm sleep de. FUCK FUCK FUCK=D
later going to school gtg le.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1) What is your full name?
Wong Jian Hui

2) Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?
Yup .

3) Have you cried today?

4) What are you doing this morning at 8am?
Taking Bus Home

5) What were you doing an hour ago?
Watch tv bath maple.

6) What are you currently doing?

7) Have you told anyone that you love them today?

8) Do you miss anyone now?
Ya ?

9) Any plans for tomorrow?

10) What's the reason behind the last time you cried?
Dun Know

11) Have you kissed anyone whose name starts with the letter C?
Nope .

12) Name someone who makes you smile today.

13) Name a friend whose name starts with the letter Z.

14) Among all your friends, who stays the closes to you?

15) Do you prefer call or text?
Depend On Mood! :)

16) Was yesterday better than today?

17) Can you live a day without TV & your phone?

18) Are you mad about anything now?

19) Did you ever think that relationships are worth it?

20) Last person you visited in the hospital?

21) When is your last & 2nd last hug?
Afew hours ago ?

22) What does the last text in your inbox say?
Okay Nah

23) How do you feel about your life now?

24) Do you hate anyone?
Ya .

25) Who usually send you the most msgs in a month?

26) Is your room very messy now?
Dun knw ?

27) Your shortest relationship?
5min !

28) Who do you love?
Tee Hui Ling !!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sorry For Not posting this Few days Very very busy.
HaPPy Belated New year to everyone.
Happy 5month with baby.
I and ben cook dinner for her=D
Dunoe neh very stress in cooking neh
later will be posting le.Cause going to jb with baby and mum


person viewing.
Wong Jian Hui
Quit Smoking By This Year
♥♥♥ 010809<3 ♥♥♥
♥♥♥I Love Huiling<3♥♥♥
My Baby !

♥010809, 12.30am♥ !
1St Month♥♥♥ 010809 ♥♥♥
2Nd Months♥♥♥ 010909 ♥♥♥
3Rd Months♥♥♥ 011009 ♥♥♥
4Th Months♥♥♥ 011209 ♥♥♥
5Th Months♥♥♥ 010110 ♥♥♥
6th Months♥♥♥ 010210 ♥♥♥
7Th Months♥♥♥ 010310 ♥♥♥
8Th Months♥♥♥ 010410 ♥♥♥
9Th Months♥♥♥ 010510 ♥♥♥
10Th Months♥♥♥ 010610 ♥♥♥
11Th Months♥♥♥ 010710 ♥♥♥
12Th Months♥♥♥ 010810 ♥♥♥ 1 YEAR
13Th Months♥♥♥ 010910 ♥♥♥
14Th Months♥♥♥ 011010 ♥♥♥
15Th Months♥♥♥ 011110 ♥♥♥
16Th Months♥♥♥ 011210 ♥♥♥
17Th Months♥♥♥ 010111 ♥♥♥

Chit Chat !